Tai little fighter 3 turbo

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The joint-venture, which was named TAEC Uçak Motor Sanayi AS, is co-owned by Kale Group (51%) and Rolls-Royce (49%). defence giant partnered with the private Turkish company Kale Group to jointly develop and produce an original turbofan engine platform for the TFX.

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Rolls-Royce is hoping to secure the contract. government that would see BAE Systems assist in the design and development process over four years.įor the TFX, the major objective for the Turkish Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) is to decide on the fighter’s turbofan engine program.

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In January, Turkey signed a £100 million-plus deal with the U.K. The Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) TFX is intended to be Turkey’s 5th-generation fighter replacement for the Turkish Air Force’s (TuAF) F-16s. Speaking to reporters in London on November 28, Turkey’s defence minister, Nurettin Canikli, reiterated that the maintaining the TFX’s maiden flight date for 2023 is the “primary goal” of the government. Target date for TFX’s first flight still set at 2023